Business Strategy and IT Strategy to Reproduce Apple Innovation

By |December 2nd, 2009|

What are the Apple Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs? Steve Jobs focused Apple innovation on competitive pressures and value propositions. He relentlessly focused organizational energy on customer-centered innovation and customer experience. In a nutshell, his innovation secret (if it can be called that) was the relentless pursuit of improving customer experience. As early as 2002, Steve Jobs told the world about his competitive strategy. During his statement, you can tell he was carefully evalu [...]

ERP and SAP Business Case for ROI, Business Benefit, and Success

By |November 23rd, 2009|

Your company’s SAP or ERP business case should start before your RFP, not just at a high level. Before ever issuing an SAP RFP, you need to take some time up front to get educated and develop some key understanding. Educated software buyers are more sophisticated in their research, and the more sophisticated you are, the better results you will receive. The more educated you are: The better the quality of the ERP RFI or RFP, The better choice you will make at vendor selection, The more objectiv [...]

Corporate and Personal Liability for Fake Consultants

By |November 20th, 2009|

Too many companies have not considered the potential legal liability to shareholders or other company stakeholders for having "fake" consultants involved in their company IT projects. By not conducting due diligence in screening vendor resources or having inconsistent labor practices, companies face a much larger potential for liability than they may realize. Fraudulent consultants may cause both corporate and personal liability for Directors and Executives. The company not only risks potential [...]

Screening and Interview Methods to Find the Right Consultant – Part 2

By |November 18th, 2009|

Previously, I wrote on the subject of finding the right SAP consultant and how you can avoid getting ripped off. That previous article, Screening Methods to Find the Right SAP Consultant, has been widely read and well accepted. Companies are tired of being ripped off with the lack of results or ROI from their large IT systems implementations. At the foundation of SAP or any IT consulting is communication: clear, concise, easy-to-understand communication. If your SAP candidate cannot speak clear [...]

Competitive Pressures and Value Propositions, Is Lean the Answer?

By |November 10th, 2009|

Modern technology allows international outsourcing, greater agility, quicker product design to market, and specialized focus on niche markets, lowering the barrier to entry for new competitors and causing more market specialization. On the flip side, customers have a wide variety of information from sellers and the Internet about products, design, services, options, pricing, and availability. Business is more dynamic than ever. Because of the pace of change, focusing on internal process improve [...]

ERP Business Case: Do You Really Need a New System?

By |November 1st, 2009|

In many cases, those pushing for a new ERP system are comparing the worst of the current environment to an idealistic ERP concept. Sometimes the best way to avoid a train wreck is not to get on the train. In other words, do you really need a new ERP system, and if so, is now the right time to proceed? Performing an honest and thorough assessment of business needs and alternatives is an important part of taking ownership in the ERP business case. These questions are not popular to ERP enthusiast [...]