SAP Implementation Focus: Engineer Software or Business Processes?

By |April 29th, 2010|

You have selected SAP as your software application-- now you move on to look for competitive bids from several software vendors to implement the system. You have a good understanding of the scope you want to address, but what do you look for and where do you begin? [FN1] Your Primary SAP Implementation Focus You can install SAP in your company through two primary ways: making your company fit the software, or making the software fit your existing processes. In other words, either you do a softw [...]

The Top 5 ERP Success Factors by Project Stage from 22 Critical Success Factors

By |April 26th, 2010|

  A while back, I was reviewing academic material on ERP/SAP Project success factors. One particular study stood out because it laid out 22 specific success factors by project stage [FN1]. Even though this study dates from 2001, the Critical Success Factors (or CSFs) still ring true today, and the conclusions are consistent with what I have seen on SAP projects since I started in 1994. While the sample size was somewhat limited (86 completed questionnaires), the data and information prov [...]

Aligning SAP Scope to Meaningful Business Requirements

By |April 13th, 2010|

I am always amazed at how many projects miss one of the most important (and relatively simple) scoping requirements. The worst part is that projects don’t just miss it, but they get it completely backward! After doing SAP projects since 1994, I still cannot believe SAP’s customers don’t use the old “Seven Habits” step of starting with the end in mind. What do I mean by that? Start Your SAP Project with Reports and Business Requirements Why do so many projects wait until they are live with some [...]

Outsourcing Your SAP Application Support

By |March 20th, 2010|

  I believe it was Peter Drucker who opined about outsourcing and then wrote a book on the subject. The original premise was that low-level administrative functions that were not a key or core focus of the business (such as mail rooms) could be outsourced. Fast forward several years, and business has learned that virtually all non-value add functions can be outsourced. IT infrastructure was value add as long as something new or better could be developed to provide cost savings, efficienc [...]

ERP, SAP, or IT Project Management and Prototyping for Success

By |March 15th, 2010|

Over the years I have worked with teams that had great project management and others that had poor project management. The projects with really good project management generally ran smoothly with less stress, allowing the team to be more productive. A Few of the Characteristics of a Well-Managed ERP Project I have noticed a few consistent elements in well-managed projects. Those elements can be summed up in the following list: The project manager produces a published project plan with tasks, tim [...]

Sales, Software Selection Scams, and Performing Your Own Software Selection

By |March 11th, 2010|

A while back, I did a proposal to help a fairly large retailer do a software and vendor selection. Because of my many years of experience with SAP, they were concerned about whether I could be objective and unbiased. That is not only a fair question, but a critically important question. I decided to approach this sales presentation effort differently by providing solid, verifiable, and objective methods to evaluate software fit as well as vendor fit. Although the client company was gracious, acc [...]