Reduce SAP Project Stress Part 3

By |May 10th, 2010|

IT Project Hostile Emails to Wide Distribution Lists Previously, I offered insight and suggestions on the topic of reducing SAP project stress in a two-part series: Reduce SAP Project Stress: Part 1Reduce SAP, ERP, or Technology Project Stress: Part 2   In the Project Management Group on LinkedIn however, someone raised an interesting question that I have had to deal with on a few projects. They asked the following: “How do you respond to a senior project member who wrongly accuses yo [...]

ERP, SAP, or IT Project Management and Prototyping for Success

By |March 15th, 2010|

Over the years I have worked with teams that had great project management and others that had poor project management. The projects with really good project management generally ran smoothly with less stress, allowing the team to be more productive. A Few of the Characteristics of a Well-Managed ERP Project I have noticed a few consistent elements in well-managed projects. Those elements can be summed up in the following list: The project manager produces a published project plan with tasks, tim [...]

ERP Project Planning – Getting Real (Part 1)

By |February 28th, 2010|

When the client is not heavily involved, expect plenty of project surprises and no ownership of responsibility. The ingredients for optimal success require active client participation at every stage of the project-- from project planning to project closure. Anyone who has been around ERP long enough understands that meaningful client involvement in the project is critical for success. However, many implementation projects start with the software consultants developing a project plan in a vacuum [...]

ERP Consultants: Is the Promise of Knowledge Transfer just part of the Sales Pitch?

By |February 10th, 2010|

Most ERP projects promise to transfer software knowledge from the consultants to the client. Once a project is over however, the client is often clueless about how to make software configuration changes, and may even struggle with performing basic transactions in the system. So what gives? Even though many aspire for successful knowledge transfer, most businesses lack a real strategy to make it more than just a dream. Secondly, when push comes to shove, we often set learning to the side and thi [...]

ERP Failure: The Organization is More Than Partially To Blame

By |September 15th, 2009|

You really have to wonder: Does any organization spend millions of dollars on SAP (or any other software) with the goal of failing? The scope of a typical ERP project impacts almost every aspect of the organization, and the implementation risks are real. Often, an actual project's timeline far exceeds the original schedule. The cost of consulting services alone can grow four to five times the cost of the ERP software (with even greater upside risk potential). However, we have all heard the horr [...]