The ERP III Borderless Enterprise Digital Business Model

By |July 27th, 2020|

On the Digital Business Transformation journey, our first step was identifying key reasons Why So Many Struggle with Digital Transformation. After that, we explored Defining Digital Business for understandable goals and insight. In this post, we introduce a modern Digital Business Model based on years of practical experience and peer-reviewed research. Our next posts discuss successful Digital Journey delivery and execution techniques. Research and Our Future Digital Business Transformation Mod [...]

Defining Digital Business

By |July 17th, 2020|

  Another post in our series on Digital Business Transformation success. In our previous post on Why So Many Struggle with Digital Transformation, we discussed the major problem with Digital initiatives, a lack of clarity being one of the causes of their frequent failure. If Digital has no meaning, then it has no focus. Digital is now a marketing buzzword to rebrand all of IT or technology as innovative. The rebrand creates an underlying message that all of your competitors are doing it, [...]

Why So Many Struggle with Digital Transformation

By |July 13th, 2020|

  This is the first part in a series on successful digital initiatives and transformation. A few practitioners from Accenture offered their insight in the Harvard Business Review on the "Two Big Reasons Digital Transformations Fail" (October 2019). Their survey results from 1,350 global businesses in seventeen countries and thirteen industries revealed poor returns from Digital Business initiatives. Two driving factors exist for digital initiative shortcomings: 1) Poor leadership alignme [...]